Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.
Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.

Wonderful Review of 2017 International Quality Control and Instrumentation Exhibition in Germany

Jun 27 , 2021

Local time on May 9, German International Quality Control and Instrumentation Exhibition (CONTROL) was opened in Stuttgart. International Quality Control and Instrumentation Exhibition (CONTROL) in Stuttgart, Germany, stems from the German Quality Control and Test Industrial Equipment Exhibition. The exhibition is one of the most famous exhibitions of the German Schall Exhibition Group, which has held 30 sessions successfully, is the leading industry exhibition all around the world.

Wonderful Review of 2017 International Quality Control and Instrumentation Exhibition in Germany

CONTROL focuses on the theme QUALITY, which will show the world's latest technologies and products in contactless measurement, 3D measurement, optoelectronics and laser measurements. In terms of the market in Germany, Quality Safety, development and usage of instrumentation attract more and more attention. The demand for material testing equipment, analytical instruments and other products is on the rise. Government investment continues to increase, therefore the development of this industry will have an unprecedented opportunity. The vast market prospects often attract a majority of professional enterprises which are from all over the world to participate. Shenyang Tianxing Testing Instruments Co., Ltd. participated in the exhibition as scheduled. This year our company carried magnetic series, Brinell indentation automatic measurement system, small Bloch hardness tester, C-Bloch hardness tester and barcol hardness tester to the exhibition.

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