Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.
Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.

30th Anniversary Celebration of Shenyang TX Testing Instruments.

Oct 26 , 2023

Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.. was founded in 1993. On October 26, 2023, the company held a grand celebration for its 30th anniversary. President Mr. Zhang Fenglin, and General Manager Mr. Zhang Luming, delivered inspiring speeches. They reviewed the arduous course of the development and growth of the company step by step over the past 30 years, and highly praised the hard work and continuous efforts of all the employees of the company in the past 30 years, so that the company's business maintained steady development. At the same time, they called on everyone to continue to unite as one in the future, jointly meet new challenges, and strive to create more brilliant achievements.

All employees express their best wishes for the company's 30th anniversary through various art forms such as song, dance, recitation, and games. After the celebration meeting, all the leaders and employees went to the restaurant for dinner and a movie. We had a wonderful and memorable 30th anniversary.

30th Anniversary Celebration of Shenyang TX Testing Instruments.

30th Anniversary Celebration of Shenyang TX Testing Instruments.

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