Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.
Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.

China Aluminum Processing Industry Development Prospect and Investment Forecast

Jun 21 , 2021

In recent years, China aluminum materials industry develops and grows rapidly, which has been a fiercely competitive industry. As of the end of 2010, there were 824 aluminum materials enterprises above designated size in China. After the fast development and undergoing the fierce competition, the industry has basically formed its landscape. At present, there are a plenty of aluminum foil manufacturing enterprises in China, while the industry concentration is relatively low. No one company occupies the remarkable market share and on one has decisive impact on the whole industry. In 2010, the total output of aluminum foil was generally 2 million tons. There were about 250 aluminum foil manufacturing enterprises, with an average output of about 0.08 million tons. In general, they are small-sized enterprises, and they over compete in low value-added products field.

China Aluminum Processing Industry Development Prospect and Investment Forecast

With the fast development of China metal door and window, building curtain wall, transportation industry, chemical industry, electricity equipment industry, national defense and military industry, etc., the demand for aluminum materials continues to increase. Meanwhile, the emergence of aluminum materials with characteristics of new products, new process and new usages promotes technology advancement and the sustainable and health development of the industry. Therefore, the aluminum industry will present a good development trend from 2011 to 2015.

With Forward's long-term tracking and collecting market data of aluminum processing industry, we roundly and accurately analyze the industry structure system for you from the view of mastering the whole industry. This report mainly focuses on analyzing China current aluminum processing industry’s market size, development speed and competitive situation, depending on macro-prosperity of current aluminum processing industry and relying on its production and marketing conditions as well as the demand trend.

Notice: All the market data, especially corporations' ranking data in the report, only for business reference. Please do not take the data for enterprise publicity. Thank you! Or Forward shall not take any responsibility for any consequences!

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