Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.
Shenyang TX Testing Instruments Inc.

TX Company Stuff Will Work at Home for a Week Due to Worse Situation of COVID-19

Mar 30 , 2022

TX Company Stuff Will Work at Home for a Week Due to Worse Situation of COVID-19

In recent one month, the COVID-19 situation in our city has been becoming more serious than before. There are several new cases appear each day. Considering this situation, our local government decided to let most citizens work at home including our company stuff. The period is about one week. So during this time, all of our company's stuff have to work at home. However, we will keep in touch with our customers and solve their problem on time. We will ensure that customer's problem can be solved at any time. For arranging delivery problem, we are sorry that we have to handle it after we go back to work. The detailed returning time hasn't been decided. We will immediately let our customer know after we go back to work and arrange delivery after that.

If the COVID situation can be better or not needs our each one's effort. We have responsibility to do as government's arrangements and keep ourselves healthy. We hope this re-occur of the COVID will disappear soon and we can return to normal life soon.

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